Manannán offshore wind farm project development is being led by Galetech Energy Developments. We are an Irish based renewables company founded in 2000 with over 130 employees with skills across wind, solar and storage development, planning, grid solutions, project management, construction, operations and maintenance and asset management.
We are dedicated to the development of onshore and offshore wind in Ireland. While Ireland is our home and core market, we also develop projects with local partners in other international markets and we export our knowledge providing services to other clients in other markets globally.
The Project
The project is in the early stages of development and the final decision on the project total capacity, turbine technology, rotor diameter, tip height and number of turbines will be made during the project development and design process. There will be a number of ongoing surveys and other activities which will continue up until planning permission submission to enable us to make informed decisions about the design of the project.
​Feedback we receive from our consultations with the public, local communities, fisheries/seafood industry, public bodies, agencies and other consultees throughout the project development phase will help shape the project.
Desktop feasibility studies completed: Environmental constraint analysis and feasibility study completed to understand the suitability of the Celtic Sea area for an offshore wind farm.
Appointed Fisheries Liaison Officer and commenced consultation with local communities, fisheries/seafood industry and stakeholders to listen to their views and factor these into the design of the wind farm.
Subject to finalisation of policy, DMAPs and formulation of future auctions by DECC, submit Maritime Area Consent (MAC) and survey licence applications to MARA.
MAC and survey licence granted.
Commence geophysical, geotechnical and environmental offshore survey work.
Pre-application consultation: public consultation and pre-application consultation with An Bord Pleanala prior to submission of the planning application.
Survey work: Finalise survey work for environmental impact assessment report (EIAR) preparation.
Planning permission application: Submit planning application to An Bord Pleanala including EIAR.
Opportunity for public submissions on the planning application.
Planning permission granted: An Bord Pleanala grants planning permission.
Manufacture of turbines commences.
Construction commences.
Preconstruction procurement activities in preparation for the construction phase.
First power.
Commercial operations: construction completed and commercial operations commences.